In the ORION universe:

Drizzle Downs- a coastal hamlet in the midst of the ruins of a once prosperous town.  It is experiencing a resurgence of sorts since its designation as County Seat of the Fenlands (It may be the only  town in the Fenlands).  There are new immigrants too; an entire ship load of very lost conquistadores.    { Welcome }

The Black Keep - AKA Shadowgard-overlooks Drizzle Downs and its snug harbor.  One of its towers is a ruin, a result of the final battle that deposed the wizard Nin, its former occupant.  < Grindle >

The Welcome Inn - the one remaining inn in Drizzle Downs. { Welcome }

In the Other-when universe:

We've got LOTS of them.  However, this page is still under construction.

All text and other materials on this Web page not specifically designated otherwise are Copyright  © 2015 by John R. Patin

In the Havener universe:

Patience, we're just getting started here...


The Frost - It was the Empire's end - literally < Frostfire >

Chah- the most distant inhabited world of the Empire, it lies deep in the Frost, a nebula dense with dust and turbulent 'weather' that makes space travel difficult at times.  The crew of the Imperial scoutship ISS 'Ghost' is about to learn that something awful has arrived on Chah.  < Frostfire >,     [ Sword of Orion ]

  Guide for stories mentioned:

{ Completed story }     <In progress >     [ In notes or under contemplation ]

                    ...are The Havens (details to follow), meanwhile, look in  Hardware

The Havens are city-states in interstellar space, and it will take some space to describe them in the detail they deserve, but let's not forget all those old fashioned places called planets.  Planets like:

Blackrock, a burnt over cinder of a world - but who burned it? -{ Aid Station }

DirDan - Eric Rice found it, but who is going to find Eric Rice?  ( DREAMBONES }

Dogwalk - once a mining colony, now a graveyard no one visits  (well, maybe...)

Earth - Oh, yeah, let's not forget Earth.  But then, we already know why everyone wants to leave.

God's Acres - A simple, rustic farming world - with two legged snakes.  { Milk Run }

Gottlost - Where the war goes on... and on.  < Pickup >

Kinkus - Ah, Kinkus.  The war was supposed to end there - and almost did.  < Tripline >

Monaldi - has a reputation for disappearances.  Source of  a mysterious cargo.  { C. O. D. }

Rainsalot - yes it does - The first place the NeDan were turned back   [ unnamed story ]

Riviera - 'Every day is a perfect  day on Riviera!'  yeah, right{ C. O. D. }

Sylvan Glen - as peaceful as it sounds - until you try to deliver a package.  { Epsilon Express }

...and many more.  For details on the stories mentioned (and where to find them) go to the

Tales fromTOMORROW  page.

Tales fromTOMORROW       DREAMBONES       Sword of ORION      Tales from OTHER-when      and even more to come...