The latest issue of Tales fromTOMORROW is here!
All In this great bundle of the first three issues of Tales from TOMORROW from, just click HERE
DREAMBONES is On SALE Saturday 4-29 thru thru Friday 5-5 for only 99 cents.
Get your copy now.
Three from TOMORROW is FREE This Sunday and Monday!
^ Click the link above to get your copy!
Please note that this site is still under construction. There's a lot more to come, and
not all the links are in
yet. So, watch your step
and don't forget your
hard hat!
DREAMBONES is on sale today for only $1.99 in the US and a special low, low £.99 in the UK
Click here for the UK link Click below for US links.
<<<< Try Two Tales fromTOMORROW for a FREE sample. Two complete short stories. <<<< Get your FREE copy now and enjoy the read.
is now available! Pick up your copy today.
That's obvious, you say. It's Science Fiction, so it must be the future. Well, not so fast, and not always. Read 'Aid Station' in TfT #1 (Two Tales from TOMORROW). As you will see, things can get complicated. That one is even free, so click on the link above and help yourself.
'The Message' (TfT #3) is a story that could be happening right now. 'What if?' doesn't need some date five centuries from now, like Buck Rogers. All you need is the question. The time, like all the rest in Science Fiction, is just part of adding a little spice to the sauce. But what spicy sauces you can concoct in SF!
This is what I get out of writing Science Fiction; world creation, and populating those worlds and times with people, then watching how it all turns out. You see, one of the delicious secrets of being a writer is that we don't always know how our creations are going to turn out! No video game ever invented can match what comes out of our own imaginations.
So, as I've said elsewhere, join me in those marvelous places and wondrous times and watch ordinary people do extraordinary things!
Sic Itur ad Astra!
Special 7 day offer: Dreambones will be just 99 cents thru Monday the 14th!
Their story begins in 'Epsilon Express', continues in 'C.O.D' and others. All are stand-alone stories found in various issues of Tales fromTOMORROW
There are people like Harry Freeman, who just wanted to prove faster than light communications was possible - and who ended up with an FTL drive.
People like Jeffry Donne, who walked out of an abattoir with someone else's memories, or the entire crew of the Deepstar, which never came home. All of them have stories, all of which can be found in Tales from TOMORROW.
Explore my future universe in depth and get to know my worlds! Try eight of my stories, from short-shorts to novelettes, Just 99 cents!
A non-stop SF adventure! only $3.75... a bargain for this 146,000 word action adventure.
Tap the title above or this link and pick up your copy now!
Also available as a Kindle Unlimited read.
From T. Jackson King - author of Retread Shop & Star Vigilante:
"Golden Age scifi! ... Very enjoyable. Gotta read more of Patin's stories ..."
For those new to the internet, unless I've screwed up, any underlined word you see is a link to another web page, either on this site or elsewhere (Those being mostly When your cursor changes to a pointing finger, that's your invitation to go places. Have fun! :>
Get DREAMBONES for just 99 cents Christmas Eve through Dec 30th!
Also on sale in the U.K.
99 cents! -------
STOP! You have reached no ordinary Web page, but a doorway into another mind; mine. You may find it a pretty strange place; it's the mind of (shudder) a Science Fiction writer! Well, mostly.
You can take that 'mostly' two ways; either it means I write some other stuff, or else it means my mind isn't all there. Read further and you can be the judge.
Anyway, I am John Patin, and I create universes. If you are curious, you can learn a little more of me on the 'about' page, but right now, it is my stories I wish to bring to your attention.
They are stories of human beings in inhuman environments, yet to them they just happen to be places where they live and work, and sometimes fight and die.
People who are simply getting on with their lives in places we can only imagine. Well, I can imagine them, that's my job, and yours is to read about them. I've created a little E-zine to make that easier for you. It's called:
It is where most of the denizens of my imagination dwell these days. Come visit them here.
You will find they are just people; like Eric Rice, a deepscout who stumbled on a planet full of humans that should not exist - and some others who weren't human at all, though they were people. You can find Eric, and everyone he encounters, in DREAMBONES, an epic novel of adventure and discovery. In fact, there are so many characters in Dreambones that I felt it necessary to create one of those high-falutin' dramatic personey thingys so even I could keep track of them. You can find it here.
There are also people like Dani Steele, Tom Ringer, and their buddy Cliff Anderson; three stressed-out veterans of a war that had been going on way too long. They just wanted to set up a quiet little delivery business - in the war zone.
All text and other materials on this Web page not specifically designated otherwise are Copyright © 2015 by John R. Patin
A bargain read on any day!
Oh, yeah There's also;
You really shouldn't leave your homeworld without some. In fact, you (usually) can't, but we are talking Science Fiction here. The movie aside (which I liked), John Carter got to Mars in the nude in Burroughs seminal SF adventure (read the book). Still, what's a visit to another world without all the accoutrements required to get our doughty adventurers there and keep them alive - like spaceships, spacesuits, and oh, yeah, ray-guns. Definitely don't forget your blaster.
Of course, then there's Fantasy, what can you not do in fantasy? But even fantasy has its hardware; swords, for instance. There always has to be a sword, not to mention the occasional battleaxe. And what about maces? And then there's...
Oh, yeah, we've got lots of hardware.
'Detail from; "They're coming!' depicting a scene in 'DREAMBONES' Copyright © 2013 S. P. SMITH
'Soul Matter' cover art Copyright © 2015 S. P. SMITH
Introduce yourself to my SF 'futureverse':
is always FREE!
or - try Two Tales plus six more below...
I create worlds of action and adventure in futures both amazing and dangerous. My protagonists aren't superheroes, they are just ordinary people who happen to live in extraordinary times and places. Join them as they cope with the various futurescapes in which they dwell, some just a few days from now, some in futures past, and occasionally, some find themselves in even stranger places...
The Havens are wonders of their time; huge cylindrical habitats that travel the depths of interstellar space and are worlds in themselves. They are mobile bases of operation on the frontiers of human expansion and are called home by millions.
They are also bastions in the seemingly never ending war with the alien NeDan, something their inhabitants never dare forget.
And the worlds! Green, abundant worlds like Rainsalot, Sylvan Glen, and God's Acres. Wealthy, carefree worlds where money rules, like Riviera, and grim, troubled worlds like Gottlost.
Too many to enumerate are the dead, burnt-over worlds like Blackrock and Dogwalk, which can so easily kill to keep their secrets.
Between and around them all is space, the Great Dark. What secrets does it hold? Ordinary people, heroes in their own way, whether their motives be noble or base, will continue to venture 'Out There' to discover those secrets.
Discover it all along with them.
Epsilon Express; 'Milk Run' Copyright © 2013 S. P. SMITH
Tales fromTOMORROW #10 is coming soon, with two new Epsilon Express stories (including a 62k word short novel) and much more!
Check back for publication details