.... TfT #8
* 'overanx32' - Epsilon Express had cargoes to deliver - if they could only find them.
A ~ 30,000 word Dani and Ringer novella.
* Ping - The crew of the 'Golden Venture' just wanted to do a little business, but The 'Rock Garden' had even more hazards than its name implied. A 5,800 word short story.
* Recommended Reads - a new regular feature begins. Stuff by other authors I've read and enjoyed. Maybe you will too.
.... TfT #9 -
* Soul Matter - a 13,500 word novelette of First Contact during the Great Expansion
* Arms Race - maybe there really OUGHT to be a Prime Directive. A 3,600 word short story.
* A new feature - Between the Cracks - for short and quirky stuff. This issue: in 'An Interview', FHAN ambushes Cliff, and 'Afterlife', a bit of flash fiction wherein... well it's better if you just read the thing.
Plus the regular features: Recommended Reads and The Omega File
.... TfT #10 - is in the creative stages and I will not dare to predict its gestation time yet. A couple of the more likely entries: 'Pickup' - a new Dani and Ringer Epsilon Express adventure that may reach novella territory. We'll see. Also, 'Harry and the Hauzer', the first of what could be several stories about what happened to Harry Freeman when his little experiment in FTL communications went awry.
<<<<<< <<<<<< <<<<<<
FREE over the 4th of July weekend! (July 2 thru 4)
<<< The first three issues of Tales from TOMORROW are now available in a bargain 3-fer bundle!
Eight great stories ranging from Earth to the farthest frontier of human exploration are yours for only 99 cents. Yes, just
99 cents!
Download it from Amazon right here!
Get it NOW !
There is a lot to tell about Tales from TOMORROW, almost certainly more than I will be able to fit on this page. there are currently nine issues of Tales from TOMORROW extant at this time, plus the 3-fer bundle displayed below. Here is a quick synopsis of each issue:
.... TfT #1:
* Passengers - It was Earth's first starship, but version 1.0 always has a few bugs... A fun, 4,100-word SF short story.
* Aid Station - In the middle of a desperate battle, an archaeologist seeks answers from the past. A 6,900-word SF short story.
.... TfT #2:
* FM - Picket duty can be boring - until suddenly it isn't! Three guys who don't even LIKE Earth have to decide if saving it is worth their lives. An 11,000 word MIL-SF novelette.
* Daywraiths - The trouble with first contact is in knowing when you have made it. (1,680 words)
* Vacations - If you were immortal, what would you do for a vacation? An amusing little flash story (560 words)
.... TfT #3:
* EPSILON EXPRESS - It was just a simple delivery. After thirty years of isolation who could object to getting a few packages? A 9,500-word novelette. A complete story, first in a series.
* The Message - The News was Bad and Earth needed saving, but maybe someone was about to arrive with the solution to all our problems. A 1,400 word SF short story.
* Hall of Dreams - Their ills cured, the Dreamers were finally going to be awakened, but what had they been dreaming? A dramatic SF short story (~ 4,100 words).
* The Omega File - a new regular feature begins. - Just some ramblings from the author.
.... TfT #4
* DREAMBONES - the first of a four part serialization of this action/adventure novel that takes place on an exotic alien world.
* C.O.D. - A new Dani and Ringer adventure. 'Every day is a perfect day on Riviera'.
* Prequel to Story Time - a guest feature by Linell Jeppsen
.... TfT #5
* DREAMBONES - part 2 of 4 - marooned explorer Eric Rice must learn to survive on Dirdan before he can even begin to search for his ship!
* Prequel to Story Time - conclusion
* Services - He's from the government, and he just wants to help.
.... TfT #6
* DREAMBONES - part 3 of 4 - Rice's adventures on Dirdan continue...
* Milk Run - Dani and Ringer are dispatched by their partner Cliff on a 'Milk Run' in their latest Epsilon Express outing. - A complete 18,800 word novella.
.... TfT #7
* DREAMBONES - part 4 of 4 - The rip snorting (I've always wanted to say that) conclusion of Eric Rice's non-stop adventure on Dirdan!
* First Aid - He was a soldier out of time, in a dead man's body. Duty to an Empire three million years gone still called him, but so did something else just as timeless...
A stand alone sequel novelette (10,141 words) to 'Aid Station', a story in TfT#1 (and that one is FREE!)
All text and other materials on this Web page not specifically designated otherwise are Copyright © 2015 by John R. Patin
All cover art displayed is Copyright © 2013 - 2015 by S. P. SMITH
For those new to the internet, unless I've screwed up, any underlined word you see on these pages is a link to another web page, either on this site or elsewhere (Those being mostly Amazon.com). When your cursor changes to a pointing finger, that's your invitation to go places. Have fun! :>
(construction zone - to be continued)
This area is reserved for when I've written more issues of Tales from TOMORROW. Watch for them.