Cover art: 'Eden' Copyright © 2014 by S. P. SMITH
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Yup, that's me. Now you know. Isn't it exciting?
Anyone looking for an exotic, Ian Fleming-style biography is going to be sorely disappointed. I've led a fairly uneventful life. I'm not an extrovert. I used to avoid Twitter and Facebook, but that seems to be impossible these days. So, if you are looking for a Facebook page to 'like', or want to contact me, stop by Tales from TOMORROW. And please feel free to follow my work on Twitter @TomorrowTales (or, just go to the Contact page on this site). As I have said elsewhere, I do have a life, it's mine, and I intend to keep it that way, so these two sites are my author pages, and only deal with my writing, nothing personal. Besides, you'd be bored. You might say I have avoided the Chinese curse; "May you live in interesting times."
I did live through one series of events I can genuinely say was 'interesting'; human beings left the world of their birth for the first time to journey to another; the Moon. For a few (all too brief) years mankind stood on the verge of Glory, the whole Universe before us, awaiting discovery. It was a grand adventure our entire species could have joined in. Instead, we gave a collective shrug and turned our backs on that glittering future, turning our space programs into just more paper shuffling bureaucracies.
As a kid I expected to be a part of that grand adventure, and devoured every bit of Science Fiction I could lay my chocolate chip-stained hands on to prepare myself. They were stories by the Masters, filling me with that fantastic sense-of-wonder that is all too often missing these days. Those stories promised an unlimited universe of possibilities. I was ready to go! Unfortunately, the rest of the world wasn't. In H. G. Wells 'Things to Come' one of the characters says; "All the Universe or nothing!" I guess we've chosen nothing. Too bad. Yet, a few of us still remember the Dream born of those heady days.
We are called Science Fiction fans.
So, I invite the rest of you lost and disappointed souls, you fellow stranded travelers, to join me on my vicarious adventures Out There. It is where we belong, and if we can't embark on the journey in body, then at least we can venture forth in spirit. Follow me, and I will do my humble best to take you to my own corner of that infinitely wonder-filled universe.
Sic Itur Ad Astra!
All text and other materials on this Web page not specifically designated otherwise are Copyright © 2015 by John R. Patin
Want a FREE sample of my work? There are two great SF stories waiting for you in issue #1 of Tales fromTOMORROW. Check it out. If you are a fan of classic style SF, once you have read them, I know you will be back for more. :>
For those new to the internet, unless I've screwed up, any underlined word you see is a link to another web page, either on this site or elsewhere (Those being mostly When your cursor changes to a pointing finger, that's your invitation to go places. Have fun! :>
All cover art Copyright © S. P. SMITH
Includes the two free stories from TfT #1 plus SIX more, plus Omega Files for each issue and Recommended Reads! Get it HERE.